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Action plan - The practical next steps that you (the coachee) take forward from a coaching session

Cancellation - When you are unable to start or continue a course. Please see my Customer Handbook for my payment, refund and cancellation policy.

CEFR - The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The series of levels against which European languages can be referenced. Each level demonstrates a student’s progression in communicating in that language. This framework allows students to plan their study and set objectives.

Certificate - The formal record, documenting the achievement of a course.


Chemistry meeting -  a first contact meeting, with no cost, to better understand your needs and objectives in coaching. We use this session to see if we can work together. 

Complaints procedures - The process outlining how to make a complaint about any aspect of a session. See our Customer Handbook for what to do if you have a complaint.

Course - This describes structured learning, conducted over a period of time and characterised by some form of attendance and assessment.

Course price/fee - This is the money to be paid for your course, which includes the cost of training and resources including a textbook.

Customer Service Charter - A section within our Customer Handbook which describes the customer service levels you can expect from us.

Distance/remote Learning - This describes any form of learning that does not involve face to face contact with a trainer and may include taking lessons by telephone or through an online platform.

Exit level - When a student successfully completes a level of the CEFR, they are then able to progress to the next level.

Group coaching - Focused on the shared needs of a unique group of people, typically from different jobs/companies. Often thematic in focus - for example communicating with confidence to customers.


Guided learning hours (GLH) - A measurement of your supervised learning, which is the time spent learning under the supervision of trainer. This measurement does not include the time given to private study.

Level - A way of grouping communication training and qualifications according to the range and difficulty of knowledge and skills required. 


1 to 1 coaching -  Focused on the unique needs of an individual.

Qualification - An assessed course of study developing knowledge and skills for a particular purpose which, if the candidate is successful in achieving the required standard, leads to the award of a certificate. 

Quality assurance - The process of scrutinising the quality of a course.

Refund - When you are given back all (or a proportion) of the money you have spent on a course.

Registration fees - A fee charged for registering for an examination, in addition to the course fee/price.

Results - The information provided to you on your level of achievement at the end of a unit or qualification.

SMART objectives - Aims for a learning or coaching programme that are clearly defined and achievable by a particular point in time. SMART stands for Smart, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Targeted.

Standard - The difficulty of a qualification which should be the same regardless of where it is taught or which organisation is delivering it to you.

Team coaching - Focused on the needs of a team within a company.

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